Linking with the outside world¶
module Impl.Bignum.Intrinsics
This module just demonstrates how to expose a C-written function in F*. We don’t currently use this module anywhere but it’s one of the suggested exercises.
module B = LowStar.Buffer
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
val add_carry (dst: B.buffer UInt32.t) (x y: UInt32.t) (c: UInt32.t): Stack UInt32.t
(requires fun h0 -> h0 dst /\
B.length dst == 1)
(ensures fun h0 c1 h1 ->
B.(modifies (loc_buffer dst) h0 h1) /\ (
let r = UInt32.v x + UInt32.v y + UInt32.v c in
UInt32.v (B.get h1 dst 0) == r % pow2 32 /\
UInt32.v c1 == r / pow2 32))