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This module implements some basic facilities to raise the universe of a type *
* The type [raise_t a] is supposed to be isomorphic to [a] but in a higher *
* universe. The two functions [raise_val] and [dowgrade_val] allow to coerce *
* from [a] to [raise_t a] and back. *
val raise_t:Unidentified product: [(Type a)] (Type max a b)
[raise_t a] is an isomorphic copy of [a] (living in universe 'ua) in universe [max 'ua 'ub] *
val raise_val:Unidentified product: [#a:(Type a)] Unidentified product: [x:a] raise_t a b a
[raise_val x] injects a value [x] of type [a] to [raise_t a] *
val downgrade_val:Unidentified product: [#a:(Type a)] Unidentified product: [x:raise_t a b a] a
[downgrade_val x] projects a value [x] of type [raise_t a] to [a] *