module FStar.Tactics.Builtins

Tactic primitives

Every tactic primitive, i.e., those built into the compiler

val top_env:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac env)

[top_env] returns the environment where the tactic started running. * This works even if no goals are present.

val push_binder:Unidentified product: [env] Unidentified product: [binder] env

[push_binder] extends the environment with a single binder. This is useful as one traverses the syntax of a term, pushing binders as one traverses a binder in a lambda, match, etc. Note, the environment here is disconnected to (though perhaps derived from) the environment in the proofstate

val fresh:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac int)

[fresh ()] returns a fresh integer. It does not get reset when catching a failure.

val refine_intro:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac unit)

[refine_intro] will turn a goal of shape [w : x:t{phi}] into [w : t] and [phi{w/x}]

val tc:Unidentified product: [env] Unidentified product: [term] (Tac term)

[tc] returns the type of a term in [env], or fails if it is untypeable.

val tcc:Unidentified product: [env] Unidentified product: [term] (Tac comp)

[tcc] like [tc], but returns the full computation type with the effect label and its arguments (WPs, etc) as well

val unshelve:Unidentified product: [term] (Tac unit)

[unshelve] creates a goal from a term for its given type. It can be used when the system decided not to present a goal, but you want one anyway. For example, if you request a uvar through [uvar_env] or [fresh_uvar], you might want to instantiate it explicitly.

val unquote:Unidentified product: [#a:Type] Unidentified product: [term] (Tac a)

[unquote t] with turn a quoted term [t] into an actual value, of any type. This will fail at tactic runtime if the quoted term does not typecheck to type [a].

val catch:Unidentified product: [#a:Type] Unidentified product: [(Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac a))] (TacS (either exn a))

[catch t] will attempt to run [t] and allow to recover from a failure. If [t] succeeds with return value [a], [catch t] returns [Inr a]. On failure, it returns [Inl msg], where [msg] is the error [t] raised. See also [or_else].

val trivial:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac unit)

[trivial] will discharge the goal if it's exactly [True] after doing normalization and simplification of it.

val norm:Unidentified product: [list norm_step] (Tac unit)

[norm steps] will call the normalizer on the current goal's type and witness, with its reduction behaviour parameterized by the flags in [steps]. Currently, the flags (provided in Prims) are [simpl] (do logical simplifications) [whnf] (only reduce until weak head-normal-form) [primops] (performing primitive reductions, such as arithmetic and string operations) [delta] (unfold names) [zeta] (inline let bindings) [iota] (reduce match statements over constructors) [delta_only] (restrict delta to only unfold this list of fully-qualfied identifiers)

val norm_term_env:Unidentified product: [env] Unidentified product: [list norm_step] Unidentified product: [term] (Tac term)

[norm_term_env e steps t] will call the normalizer on the term [t] using the list of steps [steps], over environment [e]. The list has the same meaning as for [norm].

val norm_binder_type:Unidentified product: [list norm_step] Unidentified product: [binder] (Tac unit)

[norm_binder_type steps b] will call the normalizer on the type of the [b] binder for the current goal. Notably, this cannot be done via binder_retype and norm, because of uvars being resolved to lambda-abstractions.

val intro:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac binder)

[intro] pushes the first argument of an arrow goal into the environment, turning [Gamma |- ?u : x:a -> b] into [Gamma, x:a |- ?u' : b]. Note that this does not work for logical implications/forall. See FStar.Tactics.Logic for that.

val intro_rec:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac (*(binder, binder)))

Similar to intros, but allows to build a recursive function. Currently broken (c.f. issue #1103)

val rename_to:Unidentified product: [binder] Unidentified product: [string] (Tac unit)

[rename_to b nm] will rename the binder [b] to [nm] in the environment, goal, and witness in a safe manner. The only use of this is to make goals and terms more user readable.

val revert:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac unit)

[revert] pushes out a binder from the environment into the goal type, so a behaviour opposite to [intros].

val binder_retype:Unidentified product: [binder] (Tac unit)

[binder_retype] changes the type of a binder in the context. After calling it with a binder of type t, the user is presented with a goal of the form t == ?u to be filled. The original goal (following that one) has the type of b in the context replaced by ?u.

val clear_top:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac unit)

[clear_top] will drop the outermost binder from the environment. Can only be used if the goal does not at all depend on it.

val clear:Unidentified product: [binder] (Tac unit)

[clear] will drop the given binder from the context, is nothing depends on it.

val rewrite:Unidentified product: [binder] (Tac unit)

If [b] is a binder of type [v == r], [rewrite b] will rewrite the variable [v] for [r] everywhere in the current goal type and witness/

val t_exact:Unidentified product: [bool] Unidentified product: [bool] Unidentified product: [term] (Tac unit)

First boolean is whether to attempt to intrpoduce a refinement before solving. In that case, a goal for the refinement formula will be added. Second boolean is whether to set the expected type internally. Just use exact from FStar.Tactics.Derived if you don't know what's up with all this.

val t_apply:Unidentified product: [bool] Unidentified product: [bool] Unidentified product: [term] (Tac unit)

Inner primitive for [apply], takes a boolean specifying whether to not ask for implicits that appear free in posterior goals. Example: when the boolean is true, applying transitivity to [|- a = c] will give two goals, [|- a = ?u] and [|- ?u = c] without asking to instantiate [?u] since it will most likely be constrained later by solving these goals. In any case, we track [?u] and will fail if it's not solved later.

You probably want [apply] from FStar.Tactics.Derived.

val apply_lemma:Unidentified product: [term] (Tac unit)

[apply_lemma l] will solve a goal of type [squash phi] when [l] is a Lemma ensuring [phi]. The arguments to [l] and its requires clause are introduced as new goals. As a small optimization, [unit] arguments are discharged by the engine.

val print:Unidentified product: [string] (Tac unit)

[print str] has no effect on the proofstate, but will have the side effect of printing [str] on the compiler's standard output.

val debugging:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac bool)

[debugging ()] returns true if the current module has the debug flag on, i.e. when [--debug MyModule --debug_level Tac] was passed in.

val dump:Unidentified product: [string] (Tac unit)

Similar to [print], but will dump a text representation of the proofstate along with the message.

val trefl:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac unit)

Solves a goal [Gamma |= squash (l == r)] by attempting to unify [l] with [r]. This currently only exists because of some universe problems when trying to [apply] a reflexivity lemma.

val t_pointwise:Unidentified product: [direction] Unidentified product: [(Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac unit))] (Tac unit)

(TODO: explain bettter) When running [pointwise tau] For every subterm [t'] of the goal's type [t], the engine will build a goal [Gamma |= t' == ?u] and run [tau] on it. When the tactic proves the goal, the engine will rewrite [t'] for [?u] in the original goal type. This is done for every subterm, bottom-up. This allows to recurse over an unknown goal type. By inspecting the goal, the [tau] can then decide what to do (to not do anything, use [trefl]).

val topdown_rewrite:Unidentified product: [(Unidentified product: [ctrl:term] (Tac (*(bool, int))))] Unidentified product: [(Unidentified product: [rw:unit] (Tac unit))] (Tac unit)

[topdown_rewrite ctrl rw] is used to rewrite those sub-terms [t] of the goal on which [fst (ctrl t)] returns true.

On each such sub-term, [rw] is presented with an equality of goal
of the form [Gamma |= t == ?u]. When [rw] proves the goal,
the engine will rewrite [t] for [?u] in the original goal

The goal formula is traversed top-down and the traversal can be
controlled by [snd (ctrl t)]:

When [snd (ctrl t) = 0], the traversal continues down through the
position in the goal term.

When [snd (ctrl t) = 1], the traversal continues to the next
sub-tree of the goal.

When [snd (ctrl t) = 2], no more rewrites are performed in the
val dup:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac unit)

Given the current goal [Gamma |- w : t], [dup] will turn this goal into [Gamma |- ?u : t] and [Gamma |= ?u == w]. It can thus be used to change a goal's witness in any way needed, by choosing some [?u] (possibly with exact) and then solving the other goal.

val prune:Unidentified product: [string] (Tac unit)

[prune "A.B.C"] will mark all top-level definitions in module [A.B.C] (and submodules of it) to not be encoded to the SMT, for the current goal. The string is a namespace prefix. [prune ""] will prune everything, but note that [prune "FStar.S"] will not prune ["FStar.Set"].

val addns:Unidentified product: [string] (Tac unit)

The opposite operation of [prune]. The latest one takes precedence.

val t_destruct:Unidentified product: [term] (Tac (list (*(fv, nat))))

Destruct a value of an inductive type by matching on it. The generated match has one branch for each constructor and is therefore trivially exhaustive, no VC is generated for that purpose. It returns a list with the fvars of each constructor and their arities, in the order they appear as goals.

val set_options:Unidentified product: [string] (Tac unit)

Set command line options for the current goal. Mostly useful to change SMT encoding options such as [set_options "--z3rlimit 20"].

val uvar_env:Unidentified product: [env] Unidentified product: [option typ] (Tac term)

Creates a new, unconstrained unification variable in environment [env]. The type of the uvar can optionally be provided in [o]. If not provided, a second uvar is created for the type.

val unify_env:Unidentified product: [env] Unidentified product: [term] Unidentified product: [term] (Tac bool)

Call the unifier on two terms. The returned boolean specifies whether unification was possible. When the tactic returns true, the terms have been unified, instantiating uvars as needed. When false, unification was not possible and no change to uvars occurs.

val launch_process:Unidentified product: [string] Unidentified product: [list string] Unidentified product: [string] (Tac string)

Launches an external process [prog] with arguments [args] and input [input] and returns the output. For security reasons, this can only be performed when the --unsafe_tactic_exec options was provided for the current F* invocation. The tactic will fail if this is not so.

val fresh_bv_named:Unidentified product: [string] Unidentified product: [typ] (Tac bv)

Get a fresh bv of some name and type. The name is only useful for pretty-printing, since there is a fresh unaccessible integer within the bv too.

val change:Unidentified product: [typ] (Tac unit)

Change the goal to another type, given that it is convertible to the current type.

val get_guard_policy:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac guard_policy)

Get the current guard policy. The guard policy specifies what should be done when a VC arises internally from the tactic engine. Options are SMT (mark it as an SMT goal), Goal (add it as an extra goal) and Force (only allow trivial guards, that need no SMT.

val set_guard_policy:Unidentified product: [guard_policy] (Tac unit)

Set the current guard policy. See [get_guard_policy} for an explanation

val lax_on:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac bool)

[lax_on] returns true iff the current environment has the --lax option set, and thus drops all verification conditions.

val tadmit_t:Unidentified product: [term] (Tac unit)

Admit the current goal and set the witness to the given term. Absolutely unsafe. Raises a warning.

val inspect:Unidentified product: [term] (Tac term_view)

View a term in a fully-named representation

val pack:Unidentified product: [term_view] (Tac term)

Pack a term view on a fully-named representation back into a term

val join:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac unit)

Join the first two goals, which must be irrelevant, in a single one by finding a maximal prefix of their environment and reverting appropriately. Useful to minimize SMT queries that share internal obligations.

val set_goals:Unidentified product: [list goal] (Tac unit)

Set the current set of active goals at will. Obligations remain in the implicits.

val set_smt_goals:Unidentified product: [list goal] (Tac unit)

Set the current set of SMT goals at will. Obligations remain in the implicits. TODO: This is a really bad name, there's no special "SMT" about these goals.

val curms:Unidentified product: [unit] (Tac int)

[curms ()] returns the current (wall) time in millseconds